The times have changed.

Ya know, I was reading the comments on my post about the Mother here in Thurmont Md. who allowed 3 kids to ride in the trunk of her BMW and something occured to me…

When I was a wee lad, nobody wore seatbelts. We sort of puzzled over why anyone would want to strap themselves down like that. I remember the coach of my 6th grade football team would drive to everyone’s house after school with his pickup truck to take us to practice. There would be like 10 of us in the bed of his truck driving down the road, and nobody, police included, gave it a second thought. Now, I can’t say that I ever got in the trunk… well, unless your counting sneaking extra people into the Drive-In theatre, but my point is this…

I suppose we are better educated now as a society as to the danger of these sorts of behaviors than we were 30 years ago. Buckling up is simply a habit of driving to me now. It would feel too strange for me not to wear my seatbelt. I’d never think of letting my kids ride in the car without being strapped in, and letting them ride in the back of a pickup truck seems insane to me.

When I was 11 years old, I owned a BB-Gun and 22 rifles… none of my boys have ever discharged a weapon of any type. When I was 13, I’d leave the house after breakfast, and as long as I was home for supper, everything was cool. My parents didn’t even know where I was half the time. In todays world, my children are under a constant eye 24/7. Yes, certainly the times have changed.

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Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo

Hey… I forgot to show Ya’ll that we found Nemo on our trip to the Baltimore Aquarium!

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Happy Independence Day to all!

Where did I get all my energy today? I worked 9 hours on a Holiday, (YooHoo for Time and 1/2) When I came home, I made dinner for the Wife and Kids, then I did the dishes & cleaned and vacuumed the whole house. Once dusk arrived, the whole family went out into the driveway where the boys had a blast lighting off a box of fireworks I brought home. I’m glad that I don’t work tomorrow, I think I’ll need a relaxing day. If anyone needs me in the morning, too bad… I’ll be having breakfast at my favorite haunt in Pennsylvania.

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Alive and Kicking……

Contrary to popular belief, I’m still sucking air. Today is Anniversary #18 for Wendy and I.

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Mother of the Year

Ahhh… this story interests me because it’s local. Happened right down the road in Thurmont, Md. Below are three pages of the report the Officer filed.

Tell me what ya think about this?

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

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The Caverns

Boys at the cavern entrance
Today we took the boys to Luray Caverns in Northern Virginia. It was their first trip ever into a cave so as you might imagine, they were very excited. The only thing tedious about it was the drive which turned out to be like 2 1/2 hours one way. Some interesting facts about the caverns are….

* They are the largest caverns known in the Eastern United States.
* They are the site of the worlds first “Air Conditioned” house. The temperature in the cave
maintains a constant 54 degrees. A house was built over top of them and utilized the draft to cool the
* Inside the cave is the worlds largest musical instrument which is a “Stalactite Organ”. When keys are
pressed on the organ, over a mile’s worth of mechanical cables and rubber mallets are used to strike
particular Stalactites to produce a musical note.
* Inside the cave is a “Wishing Well” that folks drop coins into. Each year the water is emptied and the
money is donated to Charity. Last year’s take amounted to over $250,000.

All in all it was a great field trip for the boys. My goal is to create the kind of fond memories my children will take with them into their adult life. Hopefully, we were successful today! Below are a few more pix we took for anyone interested!

Mike in the cavern
The Wishing Well
Wendy in the cavern
The boys pose in front of a Stalagmite
Two eggs, sunnyside up
Rock from outer space
Stalactite Organ

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Subway Sadness

Have you ever heard a rumor or maybe gotten a piece of mail with a seemingly unbelievable story? Here is a tip for everyone… is a great I-Web resource to either verify or “debunk” these claims. Their whole purpose is to take in all the wild rumors spreading across our land and investigate their validity.

While surfing, I came across a story that Subway Sandwiches are doing away with their “Sub-Club”. Everyone knows about that, right? You collect their little stamps every time you buy a sub and when you get the card full you get a free sandwich. I mean, that’s been around ever since I was a “wee lad”. It’s a solid rock of American culture, no? Surely these vicious rumors cannot be true? Apparently, the are……..

Click Here

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What the hell is going on here?
So I’m staring at this picture, dazed and confused…. can anyone tell me what in the name of Peter Cottontail is going on here? This will haunt my dreams, I’ll be up at 2 in the a.m. in cold sweats! Thanks alot Internet!!

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Ahhh…. Sweet Vacation is upon me again. Total R&R for the next 9 days. The problem is, I have nothing planned! Or is that a problem? Actually, I shouldn’t say that. We do have one thing planned. We want to spend a day at the Baltimore Aquarium sometime next week. Other than that, we are totally “Winging it”. Anyone out there have any good suggestions of places to go? Things to do? SPEAK UP!!!

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All Terrain Vehicle
Just in case any of you were curious, here is a “Birds-Eye” view of what it’s like to be cruising an ATV up Shepherd’s Mountain on a beautiful Spring day. Yeah, it’s ok to be jealous Don Juan John!!

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