All Terrain Vehicle
Just in case any of you were curious, here is a “Birds-Eye” view of what it’s like to be cruising an ATV up Shepherd’s Mountain on a beautiful Spring day. Yeah, it’s ok to be jealous Don Juan John!!

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5 Responses to ATV

  1. Phyd says:

    Forget DJJ! I’m jealous!

  2. Xerraire says:

    This scenery is much better, you’re fortunate and blessed to have it.

  3. John says:

    Could you really ever forget me. I’m quite jealous there Mr. Shep, don’t be scared to invite me up.

  4. Night Owl says:

    John, you really need to go back and read some of the comments on the posts you leave. In doing so, I think you might find that I’ve already invited you up at least 3 times. See my posts dated April 30th and May 22nd. (Sigh) You might also find that Phyllis has been dissin you something aweful and you’ve left them unanswered!

  5. John says:

    PTTI has been dissin me. She must be upset because her new jean line hasn’t taken off yet.

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