Total Fitness

Excercise Equipment
The Sunroom is 100% complete, YAY! I’ll have pix of its construction later. For now, I’m just happy to have a place to put all the excercise equipment she’s accumulated!

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7 Responses to Total Fitness

  1. MOM says:

    Have you gotten your pool finished yet? How about your concrete? Not to mention your fence. Update please, MOM

  2. Night Owl says:

    These things take time Mother. And as usual, in my case they always take WAY TOO MUCH time.

  3. Stephanie says:

    How did it go on Wednesday???

  4. Night Owl says:

    Wednesday? Today is Wednesday… What’s supposed to happen?

  5. Stephanie says:

    I thought you said the pool guys were coming last Wednesday?? Did I mess the days up?? Sorry my days are running together!!!

  6. Night Owl says:

    Oh… Well, it’s been par for the course for the pool people to tell me a day and then call just prior and have some nonsense excuse to reschudule. They were supposed to pour concrete on Weds but that got pushed and of course now it’s rained for 28 hours straight. It will be a long while now before that dries out!

  7. Night Owl says:

    Oh… Well, it’s been par for the course for the pool people to tell me a day and then call just prior and have some nonsense excuse to reschudule. They were supposed to pour concrete on Weds but that got pushed and of course now it’s rained for 28 hours straight. It will be a long while now before that dries out!

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