Funny Pix

direct from the tapI’ve never been a huge fan of having a cat as a pet. I prefer a small dog myself. I was browsing through a slew of cute animal pix my Sister sent and this one definately caught my attention. These cats are getting milk “Straight from the Tap”.

How could you not like that?

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Java JunkieMy mother called me yesterday to inform me that Starbuck’s Coffee was supporting a homosexual agenda by printing pro-gay slogans on their coffee cups and sponsoring Gay events. She urged me to stop drinking their coffee immediately. My question is this… Isn’t it enough that I like the product? and do I have to investigate the politics of any Company I purchase from? This world is getting too darn confusing!

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While Wendy and I were eating breakfast this morning, we flipped the television on and went to the news channel. For weeks now, it has been non-stop Hurricane footage. I don’t want to sound callous or anything, but I can only take so much footage of houses blown to pieces by the wind, I got the idea a long time ago… it’s terrible. Our damn media just beats these kinds of stories to death!

Anyhoo, I started flipping through the stations and something on the Science Channel caught our eye. The program was about the importance of the moon to our planet. Most of it was very informative but then they got to the part regarding how the moon came to “Be”.

They go into this very detailed explanation of how “Alpha-1” Rock collided with “Theta-z” Rock… rebounded off “Gamma-Delta” and wow… Instant moon! I generally don’t have a problem with theories and hypothesis as long as it’s presented as such. This sh…tuff however, was being presented as fact.

We know that Dinosaurs once existed because we have some bones we dig up on occasion and assemble like a jigsaw puzzle. Darwin had a Theory of Evolution that you may or may not agree with but at least he had some empirical evidence to support his hypothesis. Einstein had a Theory of Relativity backed up by some good data and Christopher Columbus proved his theory by circum-navigating the globe.

I wanna know how folks can talk in a matter of fact way about an event that may or may not have happened billions of years ago. Why would anyone try to even venture a guess?

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17 Turkeys

TurkeyTimeLast year Wendy blogged about several wild turkeys that where hanging around our house. Hunting season began and since we live in the rural mountains, it sounds like a war going on around here. Gunshots can constantly be heard in the distance. Every time the turkeys would wonder back to our house, it seemed there were always fewer of them so we feared they were being decimated.

Well apparently they have replenished their numbers because Wendy got this video the other day while I was at work. It’s quite comical to listen to the family debate the number birds present. Timothy was quite sure of his count!

Turkey Video

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Can you raed tihs? Olny srmat poelpe can.

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

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Here is a little “quip” I enjoyed which was forwarded to me by Polly.

Subject: oil
A lot of folks can’t understand how we came to have an oil
shortage here in our country.

~~~ Well, there’s a very simple answer. ~~~

Nobody bothered to check the oil.

~~~ We just didn’t know we were getting low. ~~~

The reason for that is purely geographical.

~~~ Our OIL is located in ~~~ ALASKA ~~~ California ~~~Coastal Florida~~~Coastal Louisiana~~~Kansas~~~ Oklahoma~~~Pennsylvania~~~Wyoming and Texas ~~~

~~~ Our DIPSTICKS are located in Washington DC.
Any Questions?

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“Mass Mailing”

With Christmas fast approaching, it’s not only the retailer’s who are gearing up for the season. It seems I can’t go to my mailbox these days without extracting ten pounds of catalogs, flyers and offers for a low interest rate refinance on my mortgage.

Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy browsing through the LL Bean and Plow & Hearth fall editions as much as the next fella but some of this nonsense, I have no clue how they got my address. So here’s a spiteful yet creative idea to reduce that volume of unwanted mail!

Click Here

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New Gas Prices

New Gas Prices

I went into 7-11 the other day and asked for five dollars
worth of gas.

The clerk farted and gave me a receipt

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What’s taters Precious?

Precious Taters“You know… PO-TA-TOES… boil em’, mash em’, stick em’ in a stew?”

Anyone who has read my bio might have discovered that the potato is my absolute favorite food. It is a wonderful vegetable full of meaty goodness! It’s everything the body needs! Ireland proved this in the 1800’s with a substantial portion of their population existing solely on a potato diet. Sadly for them, in 1845 their entire crop failed for six straight years due to an airborne fungus. Thus began what became known as “The Irish Potato Famine”. During the course of the famine, over 1 million Irish men, women and children perished from starvation. Another 1 million Irish immigrated to the United States to escape the death & misery taking place in their native country. So if you’ve ever wondered how America obtained such a rich and wonderful Irish tradition/population, you can thank the potato for that!

Although I do enjoy my potatoes boiled, mashed, even in a stew… fried taters holds the key to my taste buds. I’m not talking about french fries here, I’m talking about pan fried potatoes! Over the years, through trials and tribulation, I’ve perfected my dish of choice.

What’s this you ask… Mike can cook? You can wager your knickers I can cook, better than Wendy too! Heck, I’d be willing to bet she would admit it if you asked her! My taters have become somewhat of a family legend. Everyone keeps asking me what I season them with but I shall impart that knowledge to only a “select few”. So without further delay, I present you with 10 reasons why my taters RULE!

* Nice meaty chunks… Pure olive oil is the only way to go.

* Onions diced, minced, pulverized. Adds the flavor without the “Onion Chunks”. Extra sharp Cracker Barrel cheese shredded.

* Porterhouse steaks… seasoned to perfection!

* Cooked at a super-secret temperature setting to ensure just the right crispy texture.

* Patented, copyrighted, top secret seasonings added! Pssstt… Phyllis, I incorporated that Nantucket seasoning you gave me into the recipe.

* Whip up some corn quickly to trick the wife into thinking we are eating healthy!

* Add the cheese… Oh baby.. YES! YES!

* Check it out!

* One lucky little boy.

* Even the Cheez-Wizzer can’t resist! Don’t tell him there was a pill in that bite.

Posted in General, Personal | 8 Comments

Cheezer Update

CheeWeeSince many of you have inquired about the status of Chee’s Vet appointment, here’s the scoop. She took blood from him to ascertain if the dosage of Digoxin she had prescribed was correct. Apparently the stuff can be lethal if not given in the correct amount.

She listened to his heart confirming that he indeed still had his murmur but still could not hear any fluid in the lungs (Which is good). She told me that his heart-rate was down to 150. The last visit it was up around 200. I’m assuming the 150 and 200 refers to beats per minute. She also indicated that this was a good sign that meant the Digoxin was doing its job of making the heart beat stronger and more efficiently. She asked me about his Hacking (coughing). Indeed it has been noticeably less than what it had been for which she prescribed another medication.

So the Cheez-Wiz is now on four prescriptions.

* Digoxin
* Torbutrol (cough suppressant)
* Lasix
* Enalapril

So… all in all, he’s shown steady signs of improvement and I’d like to say I’m hopeful but the last couple of days have me worried as he seems to have lost his appetite. I think I’ll try to tempt him with some Porterhouse Steak tonight!

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