“Mass Mailing”

With Christmas fast approaching, it’s not only the retailer’s who are gearing up for the season. It seems I can’t go to my mailbox these days without extracting ten pounds of catalogs, flyers and offers for a low interest rate refinance on my mortgage.

Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy browsing through the LL Bean and Plow & Hearth fall editions as much as the next fella but some of this nonsense, I have no clue how they got my address. So here’s a spiteful yet creative idea to reduce that volume of unwanted mail!

Click Here

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2 Responses to “Mass Mailing”

  1. Phyd says:

    With all the catalogues coming in the mail lately, doesn’t it make you wonder what Green Peace is doing???????

  2. Night Owl says:

    Yeah, they must be out there helping the Lumber Companies de-forest! I thought the Internet was supposed to cut down on all this paper use!

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