
Cowboy ShamingHave you ever heard of the term “Shaming”? Apparently, there are entire Internet sites dedicated to this art. This practice is especially popular in our nations colleges. The idea is that at a party, if someone drinks too much and passes out… Shame on them! Everyone grabs a sharpie and starts doodling on the persons face, arms, chest, you name it. Imagination is the only limiting factor as to what embarrassment this poor soul will have to endure when they come to. I’ve seen photos of people Duct-Taped to the wall, pyramids of empty beer cans built on top of them, Saran-Wrapped to a chair… you name it.

My sister got me once at her house. It was a nice relaxing Saturday and we were enjoying some good conversation and a few mixed drinks. Eventually, she got sidetracked with a phone call or something and I found my way to her comfy cozy couch. When I woke up, it must have been an hour or two later and by that time, some of her friends had showed up as well. We are all out on her deck, the BBQ is full of food, Football is on the television, life is good… and it was about this time I looked down and noticed that my Toe-Nails had been painted “Hot-Pink”. They all had a good time while I was “Out” on the couch… even my children were involved!

Posted in wtf?? | 3 Comments

Jedi Mind Trick

Here’s an old one I’ve kept in storage for the past 10 years. You probably have seen this at one time or another during your internet travels, but just in case, I’ll give it a go. It’s an illusion of sorts and not everyone I’ve shown it to is able to see it. This is what you need to do…

1.) Click the link – – a graphic will open up in a new window.
2.) Stare at the row of dots in the middle of the picture for a minute or so.
3.) Gotta focus in on just them dots… try not to blink.
4.) Close your eyes, tilt your head back, all is dark.
5.) Keep your eyes closed, after a couple of seconds you should see a fuzzy white circle appear.
6.) Just focus in on that circle… and tell me if you see anything?

Give it a try – – – JEDI MIND TRICK

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Father Retires

Father RetiresMy Mom & Dad have been scheming this for quite some time now. Papa just retired and apparently they wish to follow in the footsteps of many of their predecessors and travel the country in a Winnebago. We all went over to their place today to be given the “Grand Tour”.

The “Camper” has evolved quite nicely over the years. This isn’t “Roughing It” for sure!! This thing Sleeps six… it has a full kitchen including microwave, bathroom, shower, dual televisions, dining table, couch, awning, air conditioner, generator & satellite. The funny thing is that this one isn’t even the “deluxe” model. Those are almost twice this one’s size.

From what I understand, this is somewhat of a test run for my parents. They are not quite sure that the “vagabond life” will agree with them, hence they are trying this middle of the line one out for a while. If the life is agreeable, I think they will sell their house & trade this one up for the deluxe.

I’m happy for them. A lot of old folks retire and simply sit at home growing mold while they wait to die. If they can travel the country and enjoy their twilight years, I say… “You go Mom & Dad!!”

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Phyllis Returns

I had a blast today! Phyllis came back to Frederick for a visit. After giving her a tour of our new house, I quickly convinced her to take a ride with me on the A.T.V. I have to give her credit, she was willing to give it a try & we tore up the side of the mountain. The weather was absolutely perfect and I think she took to it like a fish to water because as soon as we gathered some speed, the wind blowing our hair, I could hear her loudly exclaim several times… “This is Great!” Here are a couple of pix for ya!

Pix 1
Pix 2

After our ride, we all went out to dinner in Fairfield, PA. & enjoyed good conversation and way too much food. During our talk, it came out that Phyllis really misses living here and is considering moving back! We shall keep our fingers crossed.

Posted in Personal | 9 Comments

Taco Bell Hell

Taco SauceI feel the need to make a confession. Previously, I’ve posted about how much I despise the act of stealing. Lately I’ve been doing some soul-searching regarding a habit Wendy and I have developed. I’ll let ya’ll be the judge, tell me if you think this dishonest.

The story regards hot sauce. Not just any old picante’ though, we are talking about the little packets you get when you order Taco Bell. You see, Wendy and I have developed quite the liking for these things. However bizarre this might sound, indulge me for a moment more.

At our household, we make burritos several times per week. The kids just love them. A typical trip to the grocery store will always net several cans of refried beans, packages of tortillas & pounds of cheese. While the kids prefer them plain, Wendy and I must have our Taco Sauce. I thought our problem was solved when I purchased a jar of Taco Bell sauce, but it’s just not the same. Nothing can seem to replace them tasty little packets.

So here is what we do. On occasion, we will go to Taco Bell and place an order to carry out. Once our bags of food are given to us… we’ll make a trip to the condiment bar & grab extra handfuls of these packets. At home, we store them in a kitchen drawer for future use.

So… tell me what you think? Does that qualify as dishonest?

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A Math Trick

Stephanie sent me this neat little miracle of math. I actually scooped up the calculator and was quite impressed with the outcome. I wonder who sits around and dreams these things up?

1. Grab a calculator. (you won’t be able to do this one in your head)
2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number(NOT the area code)
3. Multiply by 80
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number
7. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2

Do you recognize the answer?

Posted in wtf?? | 4 Comments

My Alienware

Alienware ComputerI just got an email informing me that the warranty on my computer is about to expire. This got me to thinking that indeed my Alienware is almost 1 year old. Wow, where does the time go? As I get older, it seems like time flies by faster and faster!

A little background on Alienware Computers for the technically impaired… They are custom built, high-performance gaming machines. You can however, use them for all of your computer needs. The difference between them and the standard cookie-cutter computer such as Dell or Gateway is that Alienware only deals in the high-end components. We’re talking about the latest and greatest of all computer hardware. The best video cards, hard-drives, RAM-SIMMS, motherboards, monitors, sound cards, speakers… you name it.

Once you configure a system to your liking, they custom build it, and professionally wire & tuck away all the cabling inside the case. It’s really a breathtaking experience for a computer nerd such as myself to open the chassis and look inside! I generally get goose-bumps and go all “loopy”.

After your system is built, they then install the Operating System of your choosing. Just the O.S, none of all this proprietary crap you get from everyone else that slows the computer to a crawl. After that, all the service packs, updates, and the latest drivers for the hardware are installed, and all settings are tweaked for optimal speed and efficiency using benchmarking tests. The result is a blazing fast, crisp & clean with no caffeine machine that simply takes your breath away!

In the year that I’ve owned my Alienware, I’ve never had a problem. I’ve put it through all the paces, every graphic intensive, memory-eating game I can think of. I’ve multi-tasked with a dozen demanding programs resident on the taskbar, I’ve streamed gigabytes worth of videos & digipix. Sometimes, I think the computer is laughing at me as if to say… “Is that all you’ve got?” Even Wendy is impressed with her Alienware, which is saying something. This is the first computer she’s ever owned that can keep up with her. To fully appreciate that statement, one would have to observe Wendy at work on the computer. It’s like watching a robot cranked up to overdrive. Windows are flying around faster than bullets in Iraq!

I suppose there are only two negatives I can point out in reference to my Alienware purchase. The first being that they are quite pricey, I suppose that is to be expected though from what I’ve described above. The second being that their order process pissed me off. They had advertised on their website that systems only took a week from order to delivery and mine took like six weeks. It’s all good though because I complained loudly on a site I knew they monitored… and they quickly satiated me with Gift Certificates and a plethora of coffee mugs, mouse pads, & computer novelties.

So after a year, I suppose it’s safe to say that I’m a happy camper as far as my Alienware is concerned. Plus… the glowing eyes of the alien head on the front of the computer are kewl too!

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Keep Your Distance!

Working with the public as I do, I’ve developed several pet peeves. One of them is that I just hate to have my “Personal Space” invaded. Can anyone out there relate to this? While conversing with an individual, there is an invisible line of proximity that should not be crossed. I cannot even begin to define this boundary, but when it’s breached, I definitely know it. I really don’t want to smell what someone had for lunch if ya catch my drift?

Little old men are the most common offenders, and when this happens, I usually will take a step backwards. If that’s not a hint and 1/2 then I don’t know what is, but more often than not that old geezer will get right back in my face again. Where the heck do people get this horrible habit from?

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Name These Bugs

Bug #1

Bug #2

Now that insect season is in full swing, I’m being treated to the gambit of variety in my secluded little forest. I snapped these two pix above, I’m assuming one is some sort of Grasshopper & the other some sort of Wasp. Can anyone tell me exactly wtf these things are?

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A Glimpse into the Future

I suppose if you twist my arm I’ll take one or two of these as well!

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