I have a newfound enthusiam for photography now that I’ve figured out some of the buttons and dials on my camera. This morning, Timothy and I jumped on the ATV for a picture taking adventure. We filled a canteen with ice water and I designated him the official “Interesting Thing” finder. His job was to find photo-worthy material. Here are some of the results of our adventure!
Too Sexy For My Hair
First, I give you Timothy… He’s posing like he’s “All That”. I don’t know where he got those Will Smith ears from!
A Mushroom
While we were getting ready, in the front yard, he found this. I am not quite sure, but I think it’s the beginnings of a mushroom. Made for a pretty neat pix though.
First Butterfly
Behind the woodpile, he found this awesome looking butterfly!
A Blue Flower
On top of the mountain, he spotted this blue flower, these are Wendy’s favorite.
Second Butterfly
We came across a different butterfly, this pix turned out real nice.
A Doe and two Fawns
On the way down, we came across a Doe and her two fawns grazing. I had to take this pix with the zoom lens sitting atop a running ATV so it wasn’t the greatest, but you get the idea.
Praying Mantis
When we got home, we found this little fella and brought him up on the porch for a better pix. In my opinion, the Praying Mantis is the kewlest insect around.
Hi Mike,
Gee, I’d wish you’d join UE
One hint for you.

Instead of taking photos from above your flower & mushroom subjects, get down low with them and try all kinds of angles.
I love the butterfly on the thistle.
Thanks Barb,
I’m trying to get my tripod involved too. It’s nice to eliminate the camera shake. Very difficult to employ when trying to capture constantly moving subjects though… such as deer, rabbits, butterflies, etc… One problem I’m having when using macro is that sometimes my camera wants to focus on the background instead of the foreground…