A couple of years ago. My Wife and I purchased our first home. Actually, I suppose I should say we had our first home built. A very secluded spot well off the main road on six acres of wooded land in the mountains. In back of us lies hundreds of acres of forest reserve because the mountain is a watershed for the local town. We love our house as well as the location because we cherish our privacy. Another perc of living in the sticks is one gets to see nature first-hand. The other day, Erick came running in to tell us there were deer in the backyard. Sure enough, four of them were nibbling away on the shrubbery at the top of the hill. I grabbed the camera and took a buncha shots, then Wendy took a bunch. A very young fawn actually wondered down very close and I got this. Decent, but a little grainy due to the fact that it was dusk outside and the photo was snapped through a window with a screen on it……
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