A couple of days ago, I was at Best Buy to pick up some replacement batteries for the cordless phones. While there, I just happened to pass by the games dept. Normally, I pay that area no attention, cuz guys don’t like that kinda stuff…. right? Anyhoooo…. I picked this game up.

So I’m sitting down to a relaxing game of Bejeweled and my Wife comes up behind me, watches for a couple of minutes, then insists that I install this game on her computer. Now being the “Man of the House”, I tell her like it is. The game is mine, I bought it, she can’t have it, she has more important things to do rather than play games!!
3 minutes later, I have installed Bejeweled 2 on her computer and it’s been two days now since she’s come up for air! Gee, I hope we’ll be able to make the mortgage payment this month!!