
Mr. Lawrence sent me this link. A game that does little but anger me. I can’t seem to manipulate the arm. The object is to catch the trash, then throw it in the wastebasket. I managed like 550 points. Let me know if anyone can beat that.

click here

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I’m pushing Wendy to hurry up and make the family wealthy. I’d be pissed at this fella in the link, but I’m too busy being jealous! Wanna know what rich people do to their basements? Check out the site I’m about to give you. I’m bringing you in on the before pix… but make sure to follow the project through all it’s phases to completion. This is just MAD “Basement Bling”.

Here it is!!!

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Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is Sunday and I still haven’t got a clue what to give my dear old Mom. She doesn’t like jewelry, perfume, or any of that girly stuff. I’m afraid to buy her anything because her tastes are very specific and if I fail to please, I’ll go down in her “Son with Horrible Taste” book. Any of you 5 or 6 readers have a suggestion for me?

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Anyone who has ever worked with me knows that I’m a Starbucks addict. Never does a morning go by in which I’m not lugging my “Venti” cup around. My obsession however, pales in comparison with this dude’s. His goal in life is to visit every single Starbucks. Now one might think this goal is not obtainable. I mean, it would be like trying to hit every McDonald’s. There must be tens of thousands of them. But check it out… he’s made quite a bit of progress.

By the way Susan… It’s your turn to buy!

Click Here

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Bejeweled 2

A couple of days ago, I was at Best Buy to pick up some replacement batteries for the cordless phones. While there, I just happened to pass by the games dept. Normally, I pay that area no attention, cuz guys don’t like that kinda stuff…. right? Anyhoooo…. I picked this game up.

Bejewled 2

So I’m sitting down to a relaxing game of Bejeweled and my Wife comes up behind me, watches for a couple of minutes, then insists that I install this game on her computer. Now being the “Man of the House”, I tell her like it is. The game is mine, I bought it, she can’t have it, she has more important things to do rather than play games!!

3 minutes later, I have installed Bejeweled 2 on her computer and it’s been two days now since she’s come up for air! Gee, I hope we’ll be able to make the mortgage payment this month!!

Posted in Personal | 1 Comment

Parenting Award

Here’s a story from… you guessed it…. Florida.

Mom of the year goes out to this lady who forces one of her daughter’s into prostitution. The other, who refuses, she sells her to a man for a car!

Click Here

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Stupid People

Ya know, the I-Web as a whole is a wonderful thing. But now and then you come across some stupid people doing really stupid stuff. Maybe I will start handing out awards to these folks. I’d call it the “W.T.F. Were you Thinking Award”. Good idea, no?

Here we have a young couple who decide that the best way for them to symbolize their commitment to each other would be to amputate one another’s ring finger.

How did they do it you ask? Well, I’m glad you did!

A couple of rubber-bands to cut off the circulation….
A little soak in ice water to numb the area….
Insert ring fingers into each other’s mouth….

You Don’t believe me?

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Spring Weather

I love Springtime. The weather here in Maryland was absolute perfection today. Temps in the low 70’s and crystal blue skies. Not too hot, not too cold, it’s just right. It gives parents the opportunity to take photos of their children like these….



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Award Time

If they handed out awards to people for stupidity, here would be my nomination. First, let’s roll play a bit and pretend that you’re a female lawyer. You’ve worked hard to get where you are in life, to climb the ladder in a “man’s world”, and you find yourself representing a client guilty of a TRIPLE MURDER. What should you do first? Why, have sex with him of course…..

I kid you not!

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To the Carnival?

Here is a site archiving over 30 years worth of amusement park ride injuries and fatalities. It’s quite an eye opener!

Click Here

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