Time for a Change…

After almost 15 years of wearing prescription eyeglasses. I somehow got it into my head that I wanted to give contact lenses a try. Perhaps it was the sore spot behind my ears every evening… or the divets and red marks on each side of my nose. Whatever the reason, I made an appointment this morning and I now own my very first pair of contacts.

They actually have a “Training Session” to teach you how to put them in and take them out. It only took me about 20 minutes to get them in on my first try… hehehe… Well, she actually told me this was quite good and that in no time I would be an expert. We shall see.

My first reaction was that I felt “Naked” without my glasses. This is going to take some getting used to. My next reaction was how bizzare it felt to actually see normally without my glasses on. And finally, it feels weird to have an extra layer added to your eyeballs… I mean, you generally don’t even notice that you’re wearing them but when I blink… my eyelids can sort of feel them. I don’t know, this is all very new to me.

If I wasn’t a chicken, I might consider that laser eye surgery. I even know a few people whom have had it done and they swear by it! I just don’t feel comfortable with having portions of my eye burned with a laser… Not yet anyways!

Posted in Personal | 2 Comments

Pix, Pix, Pix

I have a newfound enthusiam for photography now that I’ve figured out some of the buttons and dials on my camera. This morning, Timothy and I jumped on the ATV for a picture taking adventure. We filled a canteen with ice water and I designated him the official “Interesting Thing” finder. His job was to find photo-worthy material. Here are some of the results of our adventure!

Too Sexy For My Hair
First, I give you Timothy… He’s posing like he’s “All That”. I don’t know where he got those Will Smith ears from!

A Mushroom
While we were getting ready, in the front yard, he found this. I am not quite sure, but I think it’s the beginnings of a mushroom. Made for a pretty neat pix though.

First Butterfly
Behind the woodpile, he found this awesome looking butterfly!

A Blue Flower
On top of the mountain, he spotted this blue flower, these are Wendy’s favorite.

Second Butterfly
We came across a different butterfly, this pix turned out real nice.

A Doe and two Fawns
On the way down, we came across a Doe and her two fawns grazing. I had to take this pix with the zoom lens sitting atop a running ATV so it wasn’t the greatest, but you get the idea.

Praying Mantis
When we got home, we found this little fella and brought him up on the porch for a better pix. In my opinion, the Praying Mantis is the kewlest insect around.

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What are These?

Tree Blossom
Can anyone out there tell me from what tree these blossoms come from? There is a tree down my lane that is sprouting these things all over it. Quite interesting they are, I don’t recall that I’ve ever seen them before. They are each about the size of a Pine-cone.

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I Hate Thieves.

I can think of few things that disgust me more than a thief. I’ve been working in retail for almost 20 years now. I’ve managed stores in Arizona, California, New Jersey, and Maryland. I’ve seen just about every type of shoplifting or scam you can imagine, and some you can’t. believe it or not, if you work in retail for a long time, spotting the shoplifter becomes quite easy. You learn to recognize the signs… the body language. You learn to look at the merchandise people are carrying around the store, and whether or not that is typical for a shopper.

Back when I started in retail, shoplifting was quite a rare occurrence. Usually if you caught someone, more often than not it turned out to be a misguided kid, or a senile old lady on a fixed income. In today’s world, it’s a whole different ball of wax. Stealing amongst teenagers it seems is considered a “Hip” thing to do, fully acceptable by their peers. Drug addicts are constantly trying to refund scam you at the check-out for a quick $50. Then you have the most worrisome group, the “Professionals”, these are the people who make a living (and a quite good one too) from “Wiping Out” entire categories of high ticket merchandise. They use foil lined bags to fool your security pedestals at the door. I suppose they have a buyer somewhere for the goods that they steal, or perhaps they just sell it on the internet, who knows?

To complicate matters even more, the society we live in today is very dangerous. Trying to “apprehend” these low-lifes could very well get somebody hurt. A very good portion of these scumbags will shoot or stab you without giving it a second thought. For this reason, most retailers are no longer about apprehension. We would prefer just to scare them from the store without their booty. The term we use is called “Spooking” the shoplifter.

Anyhoo, all this ranting I’m doing is leading up to something that happened tonight on my shift. It was just after 5p.m. and I was walking from the back of the store to the front. A tall skinny lady in her late 20’s was standing ahead of me in the aisle I was walking. She snaps her head around to look at me with a mixed expression of fear and surprise on her face. (ok, this is hint #1… she is more concerned about me than doing her shopping). As I get closer, I notice she has a baby stroller parked beside her. As I pass, I notice in front of the baby stroller she has a shopping cart that is just JAM-PACKED with baby formula. Now a woman with a baby stroller and a cart with formula is not unusual in itself, but the amount she had in her cart was simply insane! These were the powder type formulas that run $15 ea. for the small cans and $25 for the large ones. By now, I have all the bells and alarms going off in my head so I amble on up into the office to check her out through the two way mirror. As it turns out, she had a “Partner” helping her. He was in the next aisle over gathering stuff as fast as he could and returning it to her shopping cart, then I’d see her look both ways to make sure the coast was clear and unload the contents of their cart into the stroller. She had draped a baby’s blanket over the top so as to give onlookers the impression that there might be a sleeping baby in there. At this point, I had seen enough so I got on the store intercom and LOUDLY announced that I needed security to check the camera on aisle #7.

The very best part of this job for me is to watch peoples reactions when that moment comes and they know the gig is up…. they’ve been “busted”. I almost wish I did have a camera on aisle #7 to record the event for posterity. Heck, I could probably win money by submitting these clips to “America’s Funniest Videos”. The first thing they do is wildly look around to see if anyone is coming for them. Next, you can almost feel their mental turmoil as they cast about this way and that for an idea of how to handle the situation. This dynamic duo chose to wheel their cart and stroller to the checkout. I then decided I would further their angst by getting on the store intercom again and loudly announcing that I needed store security to come to the front. The girl just walked out of the store at that point, the guy actually went to the checkout, unloaded both the basket and the stroller onto the counter, then made an excuse to the cashier that he forgot his wallet….. how lame!

I then went downstairs and ascertained they had about $700 worth of stuff they almost made off with. Somebody needs to tell my job I earned my paycheck tonight!

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Corn Fritters

Corn Fritters
Have you ever tried Corn Fritters? I love these things! I had never heard of them till I moved back east. I think they are one of those weird “Regional” delicacies such as grits, or gumbo. Anyhoo, the best I can describe them is like a ball of battered cream-corn deep fried, then sprinkled with powdered sugar. Addicting little things, and hard to find too!

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Boxer Turtle
This cute little guy above I saw today in the lane. I’m not 100% positive, but I think he’s called a Boxer Turtle. We have turtles all over the place here. quite the variety of nature on this Mountain.

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BAW (Big Ass Wipes)

Big Ass Wipes
In other news, Phyllis has given up the idea for her new clothing line… BAJ’s (Big Ass Jeans). Instead, she has opted to persue a new line of personal hygiene products which she dubbed BAW’s (Big Ass Wipes). Look out Proctor & Gamble… the competition is at your doorstep!

Posted in Fun | 6 Comments

Stupid Haircut

Stupid Haircut
Check this dude out! Ya know, I often wonder what the motivating factor is for folks to go out and partake in such stupidity. Is it the attention? Are they silently screaming for the world to “Look at Me”?

Nahhhh!!! I’ll just chalk this one up to the fella being a Silly HaySeed!

Posted in wtf?? | 5 Comments

Men never read the instructions

I have been frustrated with my digital camera as of late. I purchased it about 6 months ago at Best Buy for around $400. When I first got it, I was very pleased, then slowly it seemed the quality of my photo taking sessions deteriorated. I’d take like 100 pix and by the time I sifted through them, I would end up keeping only around 20 or 30. The others I would end up deleting due to various issues such as lighting, blur, grainy quality, etc…

So finally being fed up. Last night I emailed my good friend Barb (Xerraire) to ask for advice on which camera to purchase. Barb is somewhat of a photography buff and she even created a site called UniqueExposures which is dedicated to the subject. She Sent me hyper-links to various suggestions of hers. I was working myself up, to get a quality camera to record my family memories, I was prepared to spend over $1,000 if neccessary.

I was reading various reviews at the site she sent me to. While there, I came across none other than my very own camera I presently own and was looking to replace. Curiousity got the best of me so I delved into customer reviews of the camera. To my utter astonishment, most all of the reviews were extremely favorable. Now these reviewers are pretty much all professionals and were talking about technical jargon I had no clue about. Stuff like aperature, ISO, Shutter Speed, Macro, etc..etc..

Heavy eyes and yawning finally got the best of me so I hit the sack around 1a.m. This morning, I awoke at 6a.m. and a revelation came to me. What if I read the little booklet that came with my camera? I began to frantically search the cabinets in the hutch above my computer and to my great relief, came across the original box for the camera. And there it was, the little booklet, still unopened in it’s orginal plastic bag it was packaged with at the factory.

I put on a pot of coffee, took the booklet, camera, and myself onto the front porch and began my camera education. Turns out, I had the dials and swithces all messed up on that camera, it’s a wonder I got any good pix at all. I never knew my camera could do half the stuff it’s capable of. Check out the results of my morning DigiCam tutorial… Sorry for putting you through all that trouble for nothing Barb, forgive me?

Pix 1
Pix 2
Pix 3
Pix 4
Pix 5
Pix 6
Pix 7
Pix 8
Pix 9
Pix 10

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Peter Cottontail

Peter Cottontail (Our DriveWay Bunny)
This is our bunny, we named him Peter. He lives in the bushes off our driveway. I snapped a pix of him this morning while he was in our front yard all “Twitterpated” over a female rabbit. He has been a constant resident since we built the house two years ago. I get a kick outta Peter because we have this little game we play. Sometimes, when I’m leaving to, or coming home from work, he’ll be in the driveway. I’ll drive up to him and stop. He will hop a few feet down the lane. I’ll drive up to him again and stop. Again, he will hop another few feet down the lane. This game continues until we are almost at the main road and he will finally hop aside into the bushes. One day I fear he will attempt to take this game out onto the main road with a driver not as considerate as myself!

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