Autumn In Full Swing

animatedFall is in full swing on “Shepherd’s Mountain” and we are enjoying it to the max! “Old Man Winter” is slowly creeping up on us and it will not be long before the white stuff starts to fall. Yesterday, we sent the boys out into the woods on a quest… find the largest leaf possible. Here are the photos…

1st place

2nd place

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4 Responses to Autumn In Full Swing

  1. Xerraire says:

    Very cute!

    I will share one of Laura a few years back

  2. Stephanie says:

    Yes, This is the best time of year to be up there.
    Everything is beatiful.

  3. Night Owl says:

    Barb… that pix of Laura was absolutely adorable… but Mark’s leaf was bigger!

  4. Night Owl says:

    Stephanie… I can tell from your posts that you miss the “Seasons” terribly!

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